Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Moving on Up!

For Thistle, this second pregnancy was going much smoother physically. Probably due to the fact that she was on a healthy-eating kick.

Thistle: You gotta love some fresh veggies! *Giggles and continues chopping*

I said she was doing better PHYSICALLY didn't I, (I never said a thing about mentally...)

Things were good though with little Peppercini. Thistle loved being home with him and they read, played games and just enjoyed each others company. He was growing everyday and Thistle knew that it wouldn't be long before he was all grown up.

The more time she spent playing with him, the more Thistle realized it wouldn't be long with the new baby on the way before they had outgrown their current 2 bedroom home.

Thistle began to worry about space. But with only a little money coming in from her paycheck with her maternity leave, and Strawkiwi only working part-time while he was writing she knew they could not afford a new home at this time. She dreamed as she browsed through the realestate section of the newspaper.
Thistle: It's just wishful thinking, really. I just can't help looking at all these beautiful homes for sale.

Thistle knew Strawkiwi was working really hard on the new book that he was writing and didn't want to bother him. They were a resourceful family and they would make due with what they had.

When Strawkiwi did take a break from writing or working at the bookstore, he spent time teaching little Pepper new things such as how to count, colors and shapes.

Strawkiwi: Not that hole son, this one. *waits until Pepper figures it out* Yay! Good job buddy! Your so smart!

Peppercini: Yay! Daddeh see bwocks! Bwocks! *grins and claps hands together*

Before the Tea family knew it, it was time for Peppercini's birthday!

*Peppercini blows really hard but can't quite get the candles out*

*Thistle waits til he tries again and helps him a little* ;)

Peppercini is all grown up and looks like half/half of his mom and dad. What a little cutie...who obviously didn't want to get his picture taken and would rather eat his cake.

Peppercini: Hurry up mom and Miss Creator-Person! I'm hungry!!!

While Pepper was enjoying his cake, Thistle was returning to that same worry about what she would do when she had the baby.
Thistle: Now that Pepper is all grown up and needs a big-boy bed, how will we make room?

But Thistle needn't have worried for too long. That same evening, she went to check the post and to her surprise there was a very thick envelope with Strawkiwi's name on it. Thistle saw that it was from his publisher and nearly killed herself running up the stairs to take it to him with her big ole belly.

Thistle: What is it darling? Hurry open it!

*Laughs* I'm going as fast as I can darling. *Opens the envelope, pulls out a hard back copy of what was his manuscript for his book, reads the letter and his mouth drops open*

Thistle: What? Your killing me here!!! Strawkiwi Tea tell me what's going on this instant!

Strawkiwi: *Looks up at Thistle and grins* They've published my book and given me a huge advance on it! We can buy our new house darling! Before the baby comes!!! *They hug each other and jump up and down in excitement (as much as Thistle can jump up and down with her big belly)*

Thistle and Strawkiwi kept busy over the next month looking at houses and properties. They noticed that since there son had grown up, he had begun to spend quite a bit of time outdoors. In fact he loved to be outside so much that he frequently fell asleep out there.

On one particular occasion, Thistle came outside to get him (In her underwear--what a weirdo). She gave him a hug and explained to him that they would be moving soon. He looked sad and Thistle began to explain why.

Thistle: Peppercini, there is just not enough room in this house for all of us plus the baby who will be here very soon (I hope). You can still go to your same school and everything though and we will still be bringing all of your toys. You'll even have a much bigger room!

Peppercini: Mom, it's okay. I understand *he rubs her belly and talks to the baby in there* I'm just ready for my new brother or sister!

That night, Strawkiwi and Thistle took Peppercini out to see the lot that they would be buying.

Peppercini: *Looks panicy* I love being outside Mom and Dad, and I love the beach...but where is our house!?

Thistle: *laughs* Miss Creator-person will be building it soon before she moves us in. *laughs again at the look of relief on Pepper's face*

Did they think I was going to pull another legacy on them and make them move there without anything? Anyway the lot is beautiful and is right on the beach which will make Pepper happy.

The next night they packed there things and got in the taxi and moved to there new lot.

Ta-da! Their new home! I lurvs it! (I'm not a very good house builder, but it turned out well!)

Will they like their new home? Will the baby ever come? ( I swear this is the longest pregnancy ever) Stay tuned. I'll try to update soon.


  1. Great update, and I think your house is pretty cool!

  2. The house looks great!! Wonderful update. Little pepper is so cute!

  3. From Seaweedy,
    It is a lovely house. I'm glad Pepper will be able to go to the same school, so important at that age.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Heya. Just got around to reading this (yep, I move at a rate of knots...)

    Very nice, I especially love the character designs, craziness and unusual skin colours FTW ;)

  6. Thanks poida, that means a lot coming from you! Its no Wasteland but it keeps me entertained ;)
