Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope everyone has had as wonderful a Christmas as I have thus far, minus the amount of travel. You all may actually get a Thistle legacy update in the next couple of days depending on how much time I am able to get on the computer! :)

My real life Christmas tree after we first decorated it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To follow or not to follow....*hides head ashamed*

On a semi-real life problem. My old best friend who even though I don't get to see her much anymore I still pretty much consider a best friend, is preggers with twins! :) Yay! She and many other of my friends and colleagues are preggers too. You may remember me mentioning that my hubby and I have been trying to get preggers for quite a while now to not much avail and its bittersweet to be surrounded by all these pregnant women. Anyway, she has a very cute blog here on blogger (it's private because she's that way) and I'm following it anonymously but she did invite me on there and I'd like to follow it publicly so that she's not thinking I'm ignoring her but my blogger account and email is of course connected to this blog and all of the other simming-related things I follow so I'm reluctant and a bit embarrassed.....*hangs head, shamed of being embarrassed too* No one around me knows about my simming, much less my stories and such other than my husband (and he makes fun of me about it and shakes his head) I'm not really sure what to do. It's a dirty little secret. I can't really create a new google account because my e-mail has been my e-mail for years and years. I'm sure she'd look on my profile if I did follow it publicly because she's bored and on strict bedrest...But I'm also not willing to give up my blog and story and what little bit of time I get to spend on it I enjoy. Of course with Cataclysm out my husband has usurped our main PC that has sims on it and I haven't been able to sim anyway. Anyway....I'll figure something out I guess. Suggestions welcome.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I was feeling productive today

So along with the other chapter, the sammich and the pie, here is a wonderfully new chapter.

Chapter 4

A New Chapter and a Sandwich

A new chapter can be found here------> Tadaaaaa

And here is a sammich for poida....

And a pie....mmmmmm