Sunday, June 6, 2010

Flutter Berry, Darkate and Ambitions Part 3

As the truck pulled into Cranberry Firestation I initially felt as though three stories were looming over me. I had to tell myself "Darkate, pull it together man, you can do this your 'brave'".

I must admit I felt a little more relieved when I saw the inside and met with my coworkers.

I had 3 other fellow firefighters working beside me at our small little firestation.
Vicky was a bit of a loner and I still haven't quite figured her out but Charmmaine is a different story. She's hilarious and everytime the alarm rings she points and yells "Thundercats GO!" LOL

Matt on the other hand is a little more quite but when he does start to emerge from that little shell of his he is pretty funny too.

Whenever he slides down the pole he shouts "Who's got some dollar bills? I'm not working this pole for free ladies!" The gangs a hoot that's for sure and they sure make a stressful job more manageable.

In my first day we had two small house fires to contend with. When the alarm bell rang for the first time, it startled me so that I was fumbling so badly that I put on one of the girls hats and had to run back in to grab mine and ran out the wrong exit and had to chase the truck to avoid being left behind. No one gave me too much flack because they had all been rookies at one time.

I did manage to keep my cool as we approached the small ranch-style home that was issuing smoke from one of its windows although my heart was hammering in my chest at the time.

I again however showed my greenness when I got a little too close to the fire and nearly singed my eyebrows off. Flutter would have been really thrilled about that I'm sure.

The next time went a little more smoothly and I even helped two family members escape from their home before putting out the flames.

To wrap up my day, I was roped into working on the fire engine alone while everyone else sat in front of the TV and watched old reruns of "Oh My Berry" and "Cornucopia Island".

I just had to remind myself that one day I would no longer be the rookie and I would be joining the rest of the crew in pulling one over on the new guy.

A few days into my work week, I had been working on improving my handiness by trying to invent a gadget to make repairs around the firestation easier when Flutter called and asked if she could meet me for lunch.

I told her that would be great and Chief Charmmaine agreed that it would be okay to show her around and to allow her to come on a ride along with us if we were needed.

Flutter being Flutter of course was thrilled about what the chief had said and was even more excited when Chief Charmmaine let her borrow a fireman suit.

Firewoman The one condition that the chief had was that Flutter show her stuff on the Trampoline.

My wife was of course even more excited about this and I was proud of her when she didn't even fall off a single time. It was long before the work week was over and I was able to enjoy some time with my bride.

Well I'm sure Flutter will be taking over next week. She's close to being at the top of the PI career and then she's already talking about taking on paranormal research and becoming a Ghostbuster or Poltergist chaser or something of the sort.


  1. Wait, is she jumping on a trampoline while wearing heels?

    And I thought my sims were crazy >_<

  2. Of course she is poida! Is there any other way? XD

    Thanks Berry! I know it rocks my sox >_> LOL
