Wednesday, August 4, 2010

An extra little treat...Baby flutterbies all grown up.

I haven't been playing the sims much as you know but I've been playing  the Flutterberry family even less. I had forgotten about the following pics until I came across them so without further ado here is a mini-update:

Darkate putting out some fires....(love this pic for some reason) he has this disgusted look on his face that I read as "stupid incense burning codgers"

I think I may need to find him a new career....

Meanwhile, back at home, Flutterby is exhausted from taking care of twin toddlers.

Teaching them to talk....

How to put pegs in the right holes...that sort of thing.

But how quickly children grow and before long Ryleigh and Elizabeth Berry are celebrating their birthdays!

Well if Ryleigh ever decides to age up...

But look now, its Elizabeth all grown up!

Sadly with no fashion sense.

Well it looks like Ryleigh has some at least. I think she needs to help her sister.

That's much better!

Anyway...told you it was only a little bit. I'll have to play them here again once I play the Tea family a bit more. I kind of like them but at the same time I don't really want to age them up quite yet. ^_^

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